• RedSeries@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I’m… conflicted by your take? I mean, everything outside of the sports part is mostly great and thank you for supporting trans folk.

    Regarding the sports bans, trans individuals do not generally get a significant advantage against their cis peers. In the case of trans women, they are often are at a detriment in sports due to the lack of testosterone in their body that’s naturally there even in cis women. We haven’t seen clear cases of trans individuals standing out against their cis peers consistently and the argument that excluding such a small group works both ways. Unless trans folks are somehow world-class by default, excluding them from their gendered sport is moot and if anything cruel.

    One place I see compromise (at least with trans women, I have no idea how men’s sports handles trans men since they need to take Testosterone) is requiring a certain number of years of HRT. Those who just started HRT might have an advantage, but after a few years they are around the same level as or further behind their peers.

    EDIT: I’m a tiny bit more conflicted now reading some other comments I’ve seen you make. I feel like you’re coming from a genuinely good place though. I hope you continue to expose yourself to different ideas and keep learning and growing. ^_^

    • kitnaht@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I’m supportive of trans people’s rights to be left the fuck alone, and to be treated equally. But I also get that there need to be safe spaces for women to exist without some shadow-of-a-doubt in the back of their mind. Yes, that’s exclusionary, but remember the “Man vs Bear” debate a few months back? There are lots of women who are legitimately less trusting of men than they are a wild animal who will maul your face off.

      Yeah, I’m harsh with the way that I put things. I understand that; it’s a result of the harsh environment I grew up in as a kid. People who were raised more tenderly probably don’t like the way I speak about things. But I DO support LGBTQ individuals and their right to not be discriminated against; as best as I can reconcile that with my belief that women need places they can escape men entirely if needed.