• @FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
      14 months ago

      I like the idea of economic incentives and I think they’re extremely effective, although the ones on the other end of them usually take years before they start to feel the full effects.

      • davel [he/him]
        74 months ago

        What people seem to not be noticing is that effectively the Global North is sanctioning itself. Meanwhile the Global South is making its own plans without them.

        • @FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
          -14 months ago

          It’s incorrect to think that losing access to markets is beneficial for anyone, which is why using it as a bargaining chip to make people stop murdering each other is a good thing. Even if this imaginary Global South organization had another provider for goods, they’re at risk of being abused or manipulated by a lower number of trade partners who can increase prices at will.

          I’m sorry that you disagree.

          • appel
            74 months ago

            Provider for goods? What are you on about? Western nations outsource all production to the global south (pretty much) and the only thing they make is overpriced software (hyperbole)

          • تحريرها كلها ممكن
            4 months ago

            Some markets aren’t worth the trouble. It is not like Iran is losing access to China. It is losing access to a market that it had very limited access to if any.

  • @astreus@lemmy.ml
    104 months ago

    US: Let’s send weapons to our allies that are at war! Iran: We’ll do the same! US: shocked Pikachu face

    • @Valmond@lemmy.ml
      314 months ago

      With the litte difference that russia is a brutal dictatorship who invaded a sovereign country and Iran is a brutal dictatorship too.

      But I guess it’s the same anyway, right?

        • @catloaf@lemm.ee
          14 months ago

          So you agree that the US should not invade Afghanistan and Russia should not invade Ukraine.

            • @FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
              -24 months ago

              Whatever happened to that there Afghanistan? Surely the Evil US Pseudo-Democracy turned them into a territory of lower class to do hard labor for USA benefit, right? What’s that? Multiple nations across the world sent troops who destroyed the ruling Taliban authoritarian regime, created an independent republic government, and built hospitals and schools while raising the average life expectancy by ten years until the USA completely withdrew?

              Oh, maybe Russia just wants to fix up Ukraine a little bit and then leave, too? Just like they are doing with Crimea. /s

          • @Alsephina@lemmy.mlOP
            4 months ago

            The situation in Ukraine is an inevitable escalation in the war that started in 2014 with the US-backed fascist coup in Ukraine that goes against the interests and wishes of Eastern Ukrainians


            and the subsequent killings of ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine, like Donbas, DPR, and LPR, by the coup gov for resisting.

            To be clear, I don’t support the invasion per se. In fact, its goal of suppressing fascism in western Ukraine seems to have kinda backfired from this after all, with the Ukraine gov using this as an excuse to suppress the left.

            But the point is, what else could’ve they done? The US had meticulously blocked off all other options over the years. Russia had already tried to join NATO multiple times from even before the USSR’s overthrow and have been denied (since it’s an imperialist org whose entire purpose is to suppress socialism globally, and particularly supress Russia) and they already had the Minsk agreements which the US sidelined through the coup. Not doing something about it would lead to the continued killing of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine by the coup gov, and NATO getting even closer to Russia since the post-2014 US puppet gov doesn’t abide by the Minsk agreements.

            • @Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
              124 months ago

              Can you share sources about how the coup was US-backed, how it was fascist, and on the ethnic cleansing of eastern Ukrainians? Ideally from human rights groups or independent news outlets like The Intercept if you can. Thanks.

            • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
              -34 months ago

              The invasion was never about suppressing fascism. Russia is as bad an actor as the United States has been generally, worse realistically. (Annexing many many countries at gunpoint post world war II. Slaughtering many in gulags for simple dissent. Invading, Afghanistan etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. ) Neither one is good. And we should not be justifying either one.

              In this one situation, however. While the United States isn’t strictly the good guy. They are more in the right than Russia is.

              • @Alsephina@lemmy.mlOP
                4 months ago

                The US and Russia aren’t equivalent at all.

                The USSR directly funded and supported national liberation movements against the US all over the world. Vietnam, Cuba, Korea, Bangladesh, Palestinian resistance organizations like the PFLP, etc; even directly supplied wars against “israel” for that last one. Afganistan is about the only one where the US and USSR funding opposite sides turned it into a warzone instead.

                Russia’s interests are still broadly aligned with most of the world against Imperial core countries. While they’re not socialist anymore and have thus stopped funding Vietnam, PFLP etc because it’s not profitable for the capitalists that are now in power since the USSR’s overthrow, they continue to support the sovereignty of Global South countries like Syria, Venezuela, etc, and are a core part of BRICS.

                There’s a reason sentiment like this is common in third world countries.


                Despite being a country relatively fleshly out of a revolution and a civil war, and bearing the brunt of the nazis and the largest war in recent history, the USSR had less prisoners by both percentage and raw numbers than capitalist countries like the US.

                The socialist government met workers’ needs far better than capitalist countries, or the post-Soviet capitalist countries, and made great strides in advancing women’s rights. Cuba, which uses essentially the same political system as the USSR, currently has better LGBT rights than the neighboring USA despite the brutal sanctions and embargoes put on it, and its likely what those rights would be like in the USSR now if it wasn’t overthrown.

                No wonder then that 78% of its population voted to stay in the USSR right before it was illegally dissolved. (Page 1647)

                Alot of this social and economic progress has since been undone with the USSR’s overthrow, with forced privatization under capitalist rule and the unmitigated rise of the christfascist church.

                Human Rights in the Soviet Union: Including Comparisons with the U.S.A. by Albert Szymanski

                How Capitalism Destroyed Russia

                In this one situation […] United States […] are more in the right than Russia is

                In the right for backing a fascist coup, the killing of Eastern Ukrainians for resisting, and meticulously blocking off all options other than a proxy war?

                • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
                  -14 months ago

                  Didn’t Russia invade Afghanistan first which caused Osama to go there in the first place? Then after the Taliban beat Russia with American support, America invaded Afghanistan themselves.

                  Afghanistan is the pinnacle of getting screwed over by imperialism from superpowers.

                • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
                  -24 months ago

                  That’s a long list of strawmen. Whataboutism is no defense. And that’s all you got. Whether or not the US jails more people. Doesn’t excuse the brutally and abuses of ML countries and the fascist states they evolve into more often than not. I’m sure you honestly forgot 2 weeks ago. Where the modern Russia you enable and defend. Killed a political prisoner after repeated assassination attempts. Again, this is not a defense of the US. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy.

                  It’s also quaint that you think a fascist like Putin was somehow benevolently concerned about other fascists. It was a bullshit excuse from the day he made it.

                  If you honestly think the USSR were liberators. I suggest you go talk to actual former Soviet block countries who lived under it. And finally got liberated from it. There’s a reason they tore down all those monuments and statues erected by the murderous autocratic politburo.

      • d-RLY?
        124 months ago

        The US is constantly and historically the ones propping up dictators all over the world. AND we have done it while people of those nations have either legitimately voted for the opposite, and/or were fighting for their freedom from colonial powers/dictators. We actively fund and create false narratives inside nations that we don’t like to start color revolutions. We force other nations into backing brutal sanctions if they don’t want us to go after them and to be allowed to trade with us. Our military is literally installed all over the globe, but we claim nations like China are somehow being “aggressive” for even patrolling their own areas. We create and groom evil and gaslight the world that we are somehow just allowed to police the globe. Fuck yourself.

      • @Alsephina@lemmy.mlOP
        -124 months ago

        All liberal “democracies” are brutal capitalist dictatorships.

        At least Iran and Russia’s interests are aligned with most of the world against imperial core countries.

  • @CableMonster@lemmy.ml
    04 months ago

    Can we just try to get peace and stop with the escalation? I am not going to send any of my children to these wars.

      • @Alsephina@lemmy.mlOP
        4 months ago

        Ah, love seeing liberals always scapegoating one guy at the top instead of the capitalist system that brought them to power in the first place.

        If Pootin died right now, he’d just be replaced by someone similar. Or worse, since most his real opposition currently are even more right wing than him. Unless the material reasons for this war happening in the first place aren’t dealt with (ie the 2014 anti-Russia US-backed fascist coup and the subsequent killing of ethnic Russians and Eastern Ukrainians and Crimeans for resisting), nothing will change.

        From a comment below

        The situation in Ukraine is an inevitable escalation in the war that started in 2014 with the US-backed fascist coup in Ukraine that goes against the interests and wishes of Eastern Ukrainians


        and the subsequent killings of ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine, like Donbas, DPR, and LPR, by the coup gov for resisting.

        To be clear, I don’t support the invasion per se. In fact, its goal of suppressing fascism in western Ukraine seems to have kinda backfired from this after all, with the Ukraine gov using this as an excuse to suppress the left.

        But the point is, what else could’ve they done? The US had meticulously blocked off all other options over the years. Russia had already tried to join NATO multiple times from even before the USSR’s overthrow and have been denied (since it’s an imperialist org whose entire purpose is to suppress socialism globally, and particularly supress Russia) and they already had the Minsk agreements which the US sidelined through the coup. Not doing something about it would lead to the continued killing of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine by the coup gov, and NATO getting even closer to Russia since the post-2014 US puppet gov doesn’t abide by the Minsk agreements.

    • @okamiueru@lemmy.world
      04 months ago

      Just curious. Which action here are you criticising? The “giving Russia ballistic missiles”-part, right?

    • @calcopiritus@lemmy.world
      -14 months ago

      Ah, why didn’t the world leaders think of that? Just press the “peace” button! That will stop the baddies from being bad! Just say “chill out man, we tryna get peace”.

      • @CableMonster@lemmy.ml
        -44 months ago

        They could have had peace almost two years ago, but the western power pushed for continued war. They dont want peace, they want global politics agendas.

        • @calcopiritus@lemmy.world
          54 months ago

          Oh, yes, the western powers could’ve just not helped Ukraine, so Russia just kills them. No Ukrainians, no war. Finally! Peace!

  • @Alsephina@lemmy.mlOP
    -64 months ago

    Lol they still haven’t learned that sanctioning these massive countries just backfires

    • Tar_Alcaran
      254 months ago

      It doesn’t though. Raising costs by forcing a country to dodge sanctions is very effective. A supply will never entirely dry up, but it will shrink and become more expensive, and that’s enough.

      • @Alsephina@lemmy.mlOP
        4 months ago

        So far sanctioning Russia and China has mainly just sped up the Global South’s economic integration and China’s becoming self-sufficient. I can see this happening with Iran too since its economy is already somewhat Global South-oriented.

        Though of course, sanctioning less developed countries like Cuba, Venezuela, DPRK, and Afganistan does successfully greatly harm their working-class population, and it has.

        • @SkybreakerEngineer@lemmy.world
          -14 months ago

          Sanctions on Russia have crippled their ability to get modern chips for their war machine, so they have to rely on Soviet tech. They hurt Putin personally so much that he went and bought an entire Presidential campaign.

          • @Alsephina@lemmy.mlOP
            4 months ago

            so they have to rely on Soviet tech

            Well that part is true enough at least. Capitalist Russia naturally can’t innovate as much as Socialist/Soviet Russia could. Even its highly sophisticated public transport like in Moscow are stuff that the USSR built; they’d probably be filled with high-speed rail by now, like China is, if it wasn’t overthrown.

            • @OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
              4 months ago

              Yeah that’s a temp ban for holocaust trivialization if I ever saw one (the person you’re replying to)

          • @Alsephina@lemmy.mlOP
            4 months ago


            Lmfao the USSR directly funded and supported emancipatory movements all over the world, like Vietnam, Cuba, Korea, Bangladesh, Palestinian resistance organizations like the PFLP, etc; even directly supplied wars against “israel” for that last one. Afganistan is about the only one where the US and USSR funding opposite sides turned it into a warzone instead.

            Russia’s interests are still broadly aligned with most of the world against Imperial core countries. While they’re not socialist anymore and have thus stopped funding Vietnam, PFLP etc because it’s not profitable for the capitalists that are now in power since the USSR’s overthrow, they continue to support the sovereignty of Global South countries like Syria, Venezuela, etc, and are a core part of BRICS. There’s a reason sentiment like this is common in third world countries.

            And if “Global South” sounds too academic for you… I’m not sure what to say.

          • @naturalgasbad@lemmy.ca
            74 months ago

            Russia’s economic integration has undoubtedly been with the Global South in recent years. What, exactly, are you disputing from OP’s comment?

      • @jonne@infosec.pub
        4 months ago

        It’s just speeding up dedollarisation at this point. Trade is increasingly done in other currencies because the US dollar is just a minefield of sanctions and regulations. The US had this power back when they produced everything people needed, but nowadays everything’s coming from China, so why involve a third party in your trade that can freeze your accounts for no reason?