The last time around, Trump’s efforts to pack the Defense Department with cranks and flunkies came too late to bring the military under his full political control. The president and his advisers were slow-footed and disorganized, and lacked familiarity with Washington politics. They were hindered as well by the courage and professionalism of the military officers and civilian appointees who, side by side, serve in the Defense Department.

… In a second term, Trump would combine his instincts for revenge and self-protection. He would seek not only to get even with an officer corps that he thinks betrayed him, but also to break the military as one of the few institutions able to constrain his attempts to act against the Constitution and the rule of law.

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      10 months ago

      Trump and his team twice prepared memos and executive orders enacting posse comitatus against black lives matters protesters and to seize election equipment from municipal county and state governments.

      Only a few adults in the room were able to stop us from going into effect. If he wins another term, those adults will not be in the room. They are planning to purge the government on day one and are already building lists of thousands of people who are potential loyalists to Trump.

      It will truly be the end of American democracy and that is not hyperbole at all.