• @xavier666@lemm.ee
    11 year ago

    I no longer waste time.

    Because i have already broken all the company security policies.

    Protip: convince the IT team that Linux is essential for your development work. Small percentage of the IT team is aware about security on Linux.

    • It’s been ages since I did IT. If I had a user who wanted to run Linux then I knew that, on average, they were going to cause me a lot less headaches with random user issues so I wouldn’t mind being flexible. Endpoint security will be different, but a lot of network security is handled through network devices that don’t care what the client is.

  • 0xtero
    11 year ago

    Once, many moons ago, a group of devs at my old work got deny on internal zone-to-zone Firewall open request that they needed for integration between two internal systems, so they ended up making a script that e-mailed the info to a hotmail.com (SMTP was open) account and then wrote a script to login and screenscrape the mail info from hotmail back to the other server (https was open through surf proxy).