The two-day shutdown comes at a time of record-breaking extreme heat across the globe, with July poised to be the hottest month in history.

      111 months ago

      Stop putting the blame on the individual when corporations easily account for over 70% of global emissions and pollution. My gas powered car isn’t gonna change shit.

      • Echo Dot
        111 months ago

        This guy is a gigantic troll, look at his profile.

          111 months ago

          I shouldn’t be made to feel guilty for living my life in this hellscape that were forced to live in. I’m not going to inconvenience myself and make own life harder while the elite fly around in private jets and are more wasteful in a day than I could ever be in my entire life. I care about the environment and want things to change, but I’m not the problem. And if you are trying to make the common person bare the guilt for climate change, you’re part of the problem. I do what I can when I can. But to inconvenience myself or spend more of what little money I have to make a negligible difference compared to what a corporation or a single billionaire could do is not gonna happen. Simple as that.

        • Echo Dot
          111 months ago

          Okay are you going to buy me an electric car then?

          The thing about being a radical is that you actually have to do something, not just spout bullshit online.

      011 months ago

      Good point, I’ll just commute 2 hours both ways by bike then. Thanks for your contribution. /s

        011 months ago

        Yes, thank you for doing your part. Stick to bike paths when available. As another user pointed out, cars also contribute to local air pollution with brake dust and microplastics from the four big tires.

          011 months ago

          /s means sarcasm. I’m not going to abandon my life by commuting 4 hours a day. And I don’t have any money to buy a new car

                  011 months ago

                  The sacrifice you demand is life-ending. From the perspective of the person you demand it of, it is not better than the alternative.

                  It also is not a solution. Even if cars stopped being a thing across the world right now, it would only slow global warming down a little, not stop it.

  • 10A
    -311 months ago

    While that is hot, it ain’t newsworthy hot. In Texas it’s considered normal summer weather. Helps to have A/C.

    • fiat_lux
      211 months ago

      Many Iranian cities and towns have suffered from temperatures above 40°C /104°F in recent days, while the oil-rich southwestern city of Ahvaz hit 50°C/122°F on Tuesday.
      - OP article

      Here in Texas, the month saw several cities shatter heat records, with some parts of the state seeing sustained temperatures over 37°C/98.6°F for days on end.
      - Thirsty and exhausted, Texans feel the heat - BBC posted 1 day ago

      It is newsworthy hot in both places. The difference is, Iranians are getting some relief from their government instead of having their water breaks rescinded.

        211 months ago

        Texas is especially atrocious.

        The department operates 98 facilities, of which 31 are fully air-conditioned and 14 have no cooling at all. The rest have air-conditioning only in certain areas. The department has been adding air-conditioning each year and now has more than 43,000 “cool beds” — about a third of those in the system — according to Ms. Hernandez. The department has discussed plans to eventually air-condition all prisons at a projected cost of more than $1 billion, but still needs the funding.

        OK, so most Texas prisons are only partially air conditioned. It’s so hot that inmates feel like they’re getting cooked. Even showers don’t provide relief because the water which comes out is already warm to hot. It can’t be worse than that, right? Oh wait…

        The current cost of bottled water is now $7.20 a case. Before, it was $4.80 a case. An individual bottle now costs $0.30 as opposed to $0.20.

        As triple-digital heat continues, Dr. Amite Dominick with Texas Prisons Community Advocates pointed out that the price increase could not come at a worse time.

        “Oftentimes, the primary breadwinner is the person who is incarcerated. So that’s an additional financial strain, and then they are forced to purchase things like water,” Dominick said.

        The TDCJ pointed out that inmates still have access to non-bottled water at their units for free, but Dominick said many Texas prisons are old with outdated pipes.

        “The tap water is filthy. It’s simply filthy,” Watson said.

        • fiat_lux
          211 months ago

          I considered touching on that, but the user’s post history led me to conclude prisoners are not people they would choose to empathise with.

          The situation for humans of all kinds is dire in the States, and prisoners are definitely exposed to some of the worst of it. How convenient for the rich that they are unlikely to experience the same consequences of crime as the poor.

    • Zorque
      111 months ago

      You think that’s hot, you should see the center of the sun! Now that’s hot!