Trumpism may define the Republican Party. But it definitely doesn’t define election results—even in supposedly red states.

Just ask Kentucky Republican Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Daniel Cameron.

    478 months ago

    A lot of Democrats and Independents, including myself, will show up in the "disapproval" column for Joe Biden. I will still vote for him any day of the week over any Republican he's up against.

      178 months ago

      As a lifelong Democrat, thanks.

      As an American who wishes to retain our democracy, Thank You.

      Everyone please vote responsibly in 2024.

        108 months ago

        He has tried several times to forgive student loans but was blocked by Republicans in Congress and Trump's SCOTUS. I appreciate the continued effort from Biden even with Republicans doing everything in their power to crap on students. And unions for that matter.

        -58 months ago

        His support of unions begins and ends with election season. Did we forget what he did to the rail unions when they dared to ask for sick days?

        -58 months ago

        Support of unions that stops when the strikes would actually do something, and starts up again during an election season. Can't have the rail unions strike for 3 more days and ruin my economic record, even if that would not only support workers rights, and be better for the economy in the long-term but also prevent chemical spills like in Palestine Ohio.

      -28 months ago

      Honestly the GOP is so disjointed right now that a third party actually has a chance if enough D's that are fed up with Biden organize

        • Joe-Blow240
          8 months ago

          Worked great for Hillary. You going to tell my your fellow democrats voted in Trump?

                48 months ago

                There are plenty of never-Trump Republicans out there who will not show up if Trump wins the nomination.

                  28 months ago

                  I really, really, doubt that there are a large number of people who fit that description. I would love to be proven wrong, but it seems like there are orders of magnitude more batshit-crazy christo-fascist racists, than there are moderate republicans.

    258 months ago

    I've seen a lot more people here on Lemmy saying they've been volunteering for Dem campaigns, too. I plan to help out next year, myself. The grassroots efforts can't be undersold.

      28 months ago

      For people looking to volunteer, check out Progressive Victory. They'll help you join phone banking, door knocking, or whatever the situation calls for that you're able to help with in local elections across the country.

      They do great work and they train you too, so even if you don't have experience, you can hop in a big discord call where they walk everyone through how to phone bank. Highly recommend checking them out if you want to volunteer.

      Btw the easier to remember url is

  • Billiam
    258 months ago

    Yes, it's definitely a good thing that Beshear won. But just as the 2019 election, every other state office was won by a Republican, with margins much higher than Beshear's win. On top of that, the state legislature has a GOP supermajority.

    Kentucky should not be used as a bellwether for the country. Andy Beshear might be popular here, but anything attached to (D) still isn't.

      258 months ago

      You're just describing the effects of gerrymandering. When dems win statewide races but lose the majority of district elections, it's because of republican gerrymandering. We will never have real progress without some sort of anti gerrymandering movement.

      • Billiam
        108 months ago

        No, I'm talking about my fellow Kentuckians.

        There were six statewide races on the ballot. Beshear, the incumbent Democratic governor, won reelection. The other five positions, which were all held by Republicans since the last election in 2019, continued to be held by Republicans. Some of those Republicans won their statewide races by over 20 points. Furthermore, Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell continue to be reelected by not-even-close margins. That's not gerrymandering, that's the result of an extremely fascist and under-educated voting base. (However, it's always possible the rest of the GOP grab-bag of tricks for stealing elections, such as voter suppression and disenfranchisement, may have had an effect. But I haven't heard any claims made yet.)

        Beshear has always been popular here, despite even the GOP's oppositional-defiance-disorder reactions to his attempts to limit COVID spread. But the media is trying to conflate his singular popularity with support for Democrats overall, and that's just not happening in Kentucky. As I said, there is no reason to look at Kentucky as some sort of beacon for pro-Democratic (or at least anti-GOP) sentiment in the South.

        That said, of course I'd rather have Beshear as governor than any GOP.

        • katy ✨
          28 months ago

          No, I’m talking about my fellow Kentuckians.

          i really like how everything i know about kentucky comes from travis and marisha from critical role :D

      • Can_you_change_your_username
        88 months ago

        We voted on 6 statewide offices yesterday Beshear won one and the other 5 including Attorney General and Secretary of State went to Republicans.

    208 months ago

    Traditional media is having a lot of trouble coming to terms with the fact that polling is now meaningless.

      28 months ago

      IKR. I have to admit that at this point I am totally fine with it.

      If anything, i hope the misconstrued polling is scaring the average person into actually giving a shit and voting.

    -28 months ago

    Andy also isn't on the progressive end of things as much as your typical D these days. He's way more moderate.