Idk if "little experience" means something in English, but what I meant is non-life changing/threatening. Things that would otherwise go unnoticed.

For me, it was when I stopped drinking acoholic beverages because… I ended up finding it boring, I guess.

I started noticing how low key hostile my environment is towards people who dont drink. People started thinking I was sick, depressed, converted to islam, being snob, etc.

Bartenders started to openly mock me when I asked for a lemonade (they still do) : "We dont do that here", "Go to a physician if you need that", "you're in a bar you know ?".

I started realizing how hostile my country/region/groups can be to people who dont drink. Never realized that before.

Edit : typo

    1 year ago

    Reading about stoicism. It’s like an ethical anchor in my life now, a guide to be happy. It’s like the upgraded version of religious belief, perfectly fitting in the 21st century (even though it’s thousands of years old).

      1 year ago

      Hello, I'm only 22 years old but I want to learn more about this. Will I be able to grasp the depth of the concept at my age or is it inherently for people who have already gained experience in life?

        1 year ago

        Everyone can understand the basic concepts of stoicism. Most of them are easy to understand, but hard to apply.

        Unfortunately I can not recommend any English literature, but I see Deren Browns "Happy" getting recommended a lot. The books I read all had a practical focus, trying to apply stoic ideas to day-to-day life. Most stoics will recommend to also read historical literature, like Marcus Aurelius "Meditations" - this might be a bit too much for beginners.

        For me personally, the most helpful stoic idea is the "dichotomy of control". It basically says that you shouldn't worry about things or facts you can't change ("externalities") and instead focus on the things that actually are under your control. And those are VERY few things.

        A trivial example: Why should I worry about the "bad" weather during my holidays? I certainly can not control the weather and by nature, the weather is neither good or bad. It's my brain that gives a sunny day more value than a thunderstorm. So instead of complaining about the weather, I should try to make the best out of it and maybe even appreciate it.