• AshMan85@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    your 100% right.what hamas did is wrong but isreal stoked the flames that brought the attack

    • Fedizen@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      even if hamas didn't exist there would be a similar organization doing something similar. Turning Gaza into a giant prison means a gang will pop up to enforce rules and they will build up new angry recruits every time israel kills a protestor, day by day, week by week.

    • TechyDad@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      One of the problems is that there's a constant cycle of violence. Palestinians, feeling oppressed by Israel, launch some sort of attack (rockets, firing on civilians, bombs, etc). Innocent people are killed and Israelis react in fear and anger. This pushes right wing Israeli politicians into power which results in bloody responses directed at the Palestinians. Repeat again and again with each side's attack being justified by the other side's latest action.

      (And, note, I'm not saying "the Palestinians started this" above. I just need SOMEWHERE to start the illustration and recounting the full 100 or so year history of this conflict would be way too long.)

      Then, add to the mix, foreign interference. On the Palestinian side is Iran who doesn't want human rights for Palestinians. No, they just want Israel attacked and Jews killed. So they'll push for attacks like the recent one even if it will hurt, rather than help, the Palestinian cause.

      On the Israeli side are evangelical Christians from the US. They think Jesus will come back if Israel, run by Jews, is attacked. They've got the "run by Jews" part and peace would stop an attack that would bring Jesus back. They do things like fund the settlers who take over Palestinian land.

      I don't pretend to know the solution. If I did, I'd be a world class diplomat - something I definitely am not. However, I can both understand why each side does what it does while condemning actions that I think cross the line. The whole thing is a twisted mess and anyone who thinks one side is all good and the other side is all bad is vastly oversimplifying the situation.