These are the people that vote. Worth listening to what their thought process is. I don’t know how to even change the minds of people like this.

    8 months ago

    These people embody the worst of American voters.

    Miss “Middle America” has a hard time coming to grips that correlation does not imply causation. Any public school teacher should know that and it scares me that people like her are in charge of our country’s youth and their ability to think.

    Our business friend is just a straight-up smooth-brain. Debt rises during times of war as strategic services and trade routes get bungled, as well as the marked increase of weapon-related transactions. We saw it with Vietnam, Afghanistan, and now to a smaller degree in Ukraine and the Israeli-Palestinian war. Biden is dealing with (albeit poorly, imo) the ramifications of two wars he did not start, so it should be obvious businesses are not getting hand-outs like Trump offered (i.e. PPP loans).

    Saving the best for last, Colonel Asshat shows remarkable sociopathic qualities. He only cares for himself, and fucking says as much.

    The first two people could be educated on their poor political foundations and presumably become effective voters in a proper democratic system. The older gentleman on the other hand is a lost cause, and simply speaks volumes that socioeconomic issues in America will not change for the better until the older generation of politicians are removed from their positions of power.